Wetenschappelijk onderzoek en innovatie – Huisartsenpraktijk De Grote Rivieren – Amsterdam
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Huisartsenpraktijk De Grote Rivieren
Maasstraat 167 1079BG

Wetenschappelijk onderzoek en innovatie

Scientific research and innovation

Our practices are connected to the Academic Network of General Practice (ANH) of Amsterdam UMC. In this network we work together with general practitioners, researchers and teachers on scientific research and on the innovation of healthcare and medical education. We think this is important: it increases our knowledge and it helps to further improve of general practice care. What does this mean to you? Participation of our practice in the ANH means that data about the care provided to our patients is used on an anonymous basis for scientific research and to improve the quality of care. It is also possible that we invite our patients to participate in scientific research in the ANH without obligation.
Knowing more? • Read the ANH folder ‘Scientific research in your GP’s practice’: www.vumc.nl/anh • On this website you can also read information about the ANH, results and the ANH privacy policy.