Samenwerking en Organisatie – Huisartsenpraktijk De Grote Rivieren – Amsterdam
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Huisartsenpraktijk De Grote Rivieren
Maasstraat 167 1079BG

Samenwerking en Organisatie

Zorg voor Zuid

The Coöperatie Huisartsen Zorg voor Zuid was founded in 2007 to jointly organize and implement care for certain groups of patients, such as people with COPD, type 2 diabetes mellitus and the elderly. This is done by general practitioners and in collaboration with other care providers from the region. For more information, please visit

Patient satisfaction survey

We will regularly ask a number of patients to participate in a survey about the care we provide. This feed-back is important for us to remain alert to quality improvement. The results of this research will be included during the accreditation,