Openingstijden – Huisartsenpraktijk De Grote Rivieren – Amsterdam
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Huisartsenpraktijk De Grote Rivieren
Maasstraat 167 1079BG


Opening hours

We are available on working days between 08:00 and 17:00 for making appointments and answering your questions.

Practice van Duijn

020 54 00 188

Practice Touber | Haeck

020 54 00 188


The assistant will ask you about the reason of your contact on request of the doctor for a better planning. She is trained to find out the urgency of your complaints what is importing for the scheduling. The assistant is (like all employees in the practice) obliged to treat your information confidentially.

Do you need more time for your appointment? Please indicate this when making the appointment, we can take it into account in our agenda.


Working hours:

Mevr. B. van Duijn: monday l tuesday l thursday
Mw. N. Heima: Tuesday Friday
Mevr M. Groenemeyer: Monday
Hr. H Hermanusse: Monday Tuesday Friday


T. Touber: Monday  l Thursday l Friday

Mrs. L. Haeck: Monday l Tuesday l Wednesday l Thursday

Mrs. G. Carlier: Tuesday l Wednesday

Mr Tim Veldhof Monday l Wednesday l Thursday l Friday


Outside our opening hours, you can contact the Huisartsenposten Amsterdam (088 – 00 30 600) only for urgent matters.

See also: (several languages)


Walk-in office hours:

There is currently no open consultation hour


Office hours by appointment:

To better organize the consultation hour, the assistant will ask you about the reason of your contact on request of the doctor for a better planning


Telephone consultation hour:

The doctor will call you back the same day. On a very busy day we have to handle phone calls in order of emergency.


Canceling an appointment:

Please cancel your appointment at least 24 hours in advance.