Klachtenregeling /privacyreglement – Huisartsenpraktijk De Grote Rivieren – Amsterdam
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Huisartsenpraktijk De Grote Rivieren
Maasstraat 167 1079BG

Klachtenregeling /privacyreglement

Changes/Your medical file

Please inform us about changes: new address, new telephone nummber, new emailadress etc. When you move to an area outside our zip code area, we ask you to find an GP in your new neighbourhood.

Privacy Policy

You can download the privacy statement here

Access to your medical file

You can download a request form for access to patient data here

SInce 2020 you can view your medical file yourself online. You need to registrate once at the Patient Portal, see the button
In your file you can read the doctor’s advice, the results of X-rays, bloodtests etc, and also the list of your medication. We know a file is never complete and sometimes wrong information is in it. Please let us know so we can adjust it.

Your personal data and your privacy

Only the general practitioner and the employees of the general practice and you can process your data. You find your medical information after logging in in the patient portal.

Be careful about giving your information to others.
You can show your medical record to others. For example, to a family member or a good friend who helps you take care of your health. First, think about whether you’re okay with someone else seeing your data. Never give out your information just like that. Sometimes insurance companies, or municial officials etc. can ask for information about your health. You’re not obliged to provide this information. In some cases you may want to provide the data. In that case, never give your entire medical file and only provide the information that is necessary. Are you unsure about giving your medical information to someone? Please discuss this with your GP or assistant. They can help you.